Outing Club (logo design by Stephanie Sheridan) Outing Club (logo design by Stephanie Sheridan) Outing Club (logo design by Stephanie Sheridan)
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Clark University Outing Club
Student Leadership
             and Programming
950 Main Street
Worcester MA 01610-1400
Email outingclub@clarku.edu
Executive Board 2006-2007

President [spring '07] - Dan Adams   (Officer-at-Large; fall '06)
President [fall '06] - Lana Petersson   (studying abroad; spring '07)
Treasurer [spring '07] - Amanda Lee   (Publicity Co-Chair; fall '06)
Treasurer [fall '06] - Hilary Gaddis   (studying abroad; spring '07)
Secretary - Elizabeth Waste
Publicity Chair - Shannon Records
Officer-at-Large [spring '07] - Megan Mateer
Officer-at-Large [spring '07] - Nora Oliver

Club Advisor - Greg Doerschler


Dan Adams

Position: President (spring '07); Officer-at-Large (fall '06)

Year of graduation: 2007

Major: Molecular Biology

Hometown: Lincoln, Massachusetts

Favorite Gear: Suunto Vector; helps to keep me moving in the right direction.

Favorite Outing Club Trips: Greylock, Spring Break '06 Backpacking, Marshmallow Roast, Midstate Trail.

Favorite club activities: Backpacking, Marshmallow Roast.

Favorite place: Anywhere I can be alone with a deep and undisturbed snowfall.

Fun Fact: In addition to climbing rock, I've been known to climb buildings.

Always wanted to: Climb in the Himalayas.

Scared to: Get caught in an avalanche.

Favorite Quote: Reaching the summit is optional. Getting down is mandatory. - Ed Viesteurs

Why am I shocked? Click on me and find out!

Lana Petersson

Position: President (fall '06)

Year of graduation: 2008

Major: English - Creative Writing.

Hometown: Lexington, Massachusetts

Where am I? Studying abroad in Mexico this spring.

Favorite Gear: My EMS fuzzy hooded bear fleece.

Favorite Outing Club Trips: Whitewater rafting, backpacking to Greenleaf Hut in the Whites, cross-country skiiing in the whites, caving at Purgatory Chasm.

Favorite club activities: hiking, climbing.

Favorite place: The empty ocean beaches at the cape on a stormy day, the presidentials or smokeys on a nice one.

Fun Fact: The first time I went rock climbing outside it was night time and it snowed... and I am damn proud of it!

Always wanted to: Sleep in one of those hanging tents while multi-pitch climbing.

Scared to: Whitewater kayak.

Favorite Quote: Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. --John Muir


Amanda Lee

Position: Treasurer (spring '07); Publicity Co-Chair (fall '06)

Year of graduation: 2009

Major: Global Environmental Studies, International Development and Social Change

Hometown: Old Westbury, New York

Favorite Gear: Titanium foldable spork because it's the fanciest piece of gear I own and it serves one of my favorite things: food!

Favorite Outing Club Trips: Indoor rock climbing, hiking to Greenleaf Hut in the Whites, plus a few Sunday hikes.

Favorite club activities: Anything involving mountains or water.

Favorite place: Washington State.

Fun Fact: I'm a vegetarian!

Always wanted to: Do a combat roll.

Scared to: Ever fall into a crevasse.

Favorite Quote: We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. -Aldo Leopold


Hilary Gaddis

Position: Treasurer (fall '06)

Year of graduation: 2008

Major: Biology

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Where am I? Studying abroad in Mexico this spring.

Favorite Gear: Polartec Fleece.

Favorite Outing Club Trips: Whitewater rafting, Block Island, and Martha's Vineyard.

Favorite club activities: Hiking, skiiing, and going to the beach.

Favorite place: The Cascade Mountains in Washington State.

Fun Fact: I love to go boogie boarding.

Always wanted to: Backpack through Europe.

Scared to: Ice climb.


Elizabeth Waste

Position: Secretary

Year of graduation: 2007

Major: Geography, music minor.

Hometown: Lyme, New Hampshire

Favorite Gear: My Kelty external frame pack. When I'm stuck in Worcester, I use it to hike over to Trader Joe's or haul my dirty clothes to the laundry mat.

Favorite Outing Club Trips: Snowshoeing in Vermont, xc skiiing in New Hampshire, the Corn Maze, Mt. Greylock, and white water rafting.

Favorite club activities: Hiking, camping, climbing, snowshoeing and cross country skiiing.

Favorite place: A tie between Acadia National Park and Cold River Camp, AMC in Chatham NH.

Fun Fact: I spent this past summer working on organic farms and hiking in Southern France and Corsica.

Always wanted to: Hike the Inca trail.

Scared to: Get caught in thunderstorms on Mt Adams - and I've done it!

Favorite Quote: Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, "I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway." - Maya Angelou


Shannon Records

Position: Publicity Chair

Year of graduation: 2009

Major: Biology/PreMed

Hometown: Kennebunk, Maine

Favorite Gear: Hiking boots

Favorite Outing Club Trips: Backpacking trip to Greenleaf Hut in the Whites.

Favorite club activities: hiking, skiing.

Favorite place: Katahdin/Baxter State Park in Maine.

Fun Fact: I've hiked the 7 tallest mountains in New England.

Always wanted to: Hike the Appalachian Trail.

Scared to: Rock climb (I'm scared of heights).

Favorite Quote: I stand on the tundra of the mountain's tablelands, a field of granite thrust rudely into the sky. A heard of cumulus clouds gallops across this plain, kicking up dust. The clouds rush at me, a stampede stretching from horizon to horizon, racing a step ahead of the wind. Closer, closer they come, and here I am stuck on a mountain top with nowhere to run. They hit, and the world explodes with whiteness. -Eric Pinder (Katahdin)


Megan Mateer

Position: Officer-at-Large

Year of graduation: 2010

Major: Undecided

Hometown: Berwyn, Pennsylvania

Favorite club activities: hiking and backpacking

Fun Fact: I still play in my tree house.

Always wanted to: Do the 6 month hike on the Appalachian Trail.

Scared to: Get stuck in a cave.


Nora Oliver

Position: Officer-at-Large

Year of graduation: 2010

Major: International Development and Social Change; minor in Global Environmental Studies

Hometown: Shelburne, Vermont

Favorite Gear: My Nimbus Latitude KI 3800 Granite Gear Pack.

Favorite Outing Club Trips: Hiking Mt. Mondanock, rock climbing at Metrorock and the YMCA.

Favorite club activities: hiking, rock climbing, canoeing.

Favorite place: Cochise Stronghold (Arizona), The Green Mountains (Vermont), The Gila Wilderness (New Mexico).

Fun Fact: I spent 3 months living in the desert.

Always wanted to: Hike the Appalachian Train and International Appalachian Trail together.

Scared to: Sky Dive or Bungee Jump.

Favorite Quote: Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver