
Hike of Rocky Narrows

Sherborn, MA

Sunday October 29th, 2006

Jason on the banks of the Charles ...down by the banks of the River Charles...

Just follow the twists and turns of the Charles River for another 40 miles or so downstream and you'll eventually end up in the heart of Boston. But here at Rocky Narrows the river is peaceful and surrounded by nature, as Jason discovers while sitting on its banks below King Philip's Overlook.

Charles River canoe launch As we hiked the trails of Rocky Narrows Reservation, our first encounter with the Charles was from a canoe launch at the northern end of the reservation.

View from King Philip's Overlook Our best view by far was from the top of King Philip's Overlook, with the river below us, green fields on the opposite shore, and a full spectrum of fall colors everywhere.

Group at King Philip's Overlook Greg, Jenn, Alec, Jason, and Willa at King Philip's Overlook.

Below, Jason and a "peaceful" Willa enjoying the view.

At right, it's Willa again, but this time she's taking notes!
Jason and Willa

Jenn and geocache

We also did a little geocaching and located the Rocky Narrows geocache, which Jenn examines. (No clues from us... you'll have to find it on your own.)

Below, our final view of the Charles River, looking back toward King Philip's Overlook from alongside a railroad trestle.

Charles River Red Trail

Going waaay down!

On our route back to the trailhead, we prepare to descend a steep incline along the red trail loop.

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