
Trip to Purgatory Chasm

Sutton, MA

September 18th, 2010

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Purgatory Chasm Our favorite outdoor adventure playground always draws a crowd, so this time we chartered an entire school bus to accommodate the 35 of us who descended upon Purgatory Chasm to explore cliffs, caves, crevices, boulders, trees, trails, and just about anything else we could ask for.
Jenny Venturing into the chasm, Jenny navigates a trail littered with roots and boulders. Our group divided itself into small contingents, each choosing it's own way as we investigate the many attractions to be found.

Odd angles are ubiquitous within the chasm, and shocking discoveries pop up right when you least expect them!
Shocking discoveries
Odd angles
Andrew, Jill, & Helen on cliff Jenny on ledge There are things you can fall off of (though not
recommended), which Andrew, Jill and Helen (right) and Jenny (left) perch themselves upon.
pond And there are things you can fall into (as Jill can attest), which Jill, David, Andrew and Champo explore.

There are things you can squeeze through, which Helen, Therese and Jill attempt.

Jill Therese Helen

And there are things you can climb out of (or get pulled out of), as Jill and Clark discover.

There are things you can climb over, as Champo and Helen do, and things you can climb under, as Beverlie does.

Beverlie Champo & Helen
Devil's Corn Crib Cave And last but not least, there are things with funny names you can straddle skyward, and things with dark subterranian passages you can vanish into.

We discovered them all, we all had a blast doing it at Purgatory Chasm!

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