
Trip to Purgatory Chasm

Sutton, MA

Sunday September 25th, 2005

Bob Babz When you're down at Purgatory Chasm, you just never know what might crawl out from under a rock.

Michele, Anna, Judd, Lana, Troy and Babz That's one of the reasons why it's always been our favorite subterranean playground.

All of us This trip was extra special though because for the first time in recent Outing Club history it didn't rain!! In the past we've endured everything from intermittent showers to full scale monsoons at Purgatory, but the curse was finally broken and we ended up with a great day.

Chasm The chasm is about a quarter mile long with steep rock walls and boulders scattered about its floor.

TroyBabzMichele and Babz Beneath the boulders are a host of small caves and passages which we spent much of the afternoon exploring.

JuddTroy and AnnaLana and Anna

Ledge Slope Above ground, we had fun climbing around on the rock ledges and slopes.

Rock formation There were quite a number of interesting formations to check out.

Peering over the cliff Dizzying view But beware... peering over the cliffs can be a dizzying experience!

Fat Man's Misery A tight squeeze For those who enjoy a tight squeeze, there's nothing better than a walk through Fat Man's Misery.

Judd Later we found a piece of rope at the end of the chasm, and a spontaneous game of jump rope erupted. Judd displays fine form in a solo performance.

Babz and Bob Barbara and Bob do likewise in the doubles category.

D'Oh Now let's try all three...    D'Oh! Look who stepped on the rope!

Jason, Kiri, Lauren, Lingyan, Hilary and Tuan Anna Fortunately, we had the whole afternoon to spend at the Chasm; so between exploring the caves and cliffs, ledges and crevices, trails and trees, and jumping rope, we still had plenty of time for just chillin' out.

Tuan and Emily Jason and Kiri
Related Outing Club events:
  • 2002-2005: Prior trips to Purgatory Chasm in Sutton, MA

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